The Buddy Bench

The Buddy Bench
From Librairie Carcajou
Buddy Benches are arriving in schoolyards across the nation. In this story, the buddy bench launches two new friends on a chilly adventure.
On a surprisingly snowy day in Texas, a young student finds himself braving recess alone. That is until he spots a new face sitting on the school's Buddy Bench. After a quick introduction, the two spend their recess discovering fun ways to enjoy the snow. By the end of recess, both kids leave the playground with a brand new friend. This sweet story of friendship brings the Buddy Bench's purpose to life.
About Buddy Benches: The Buddy or Friendship Bench is a special place in a school playground where a child can sit if they want someone to talk to or play with. Seeing a child on The Buddy Bench is a signal to other kids to ask them to play. The wonderful trend of Buddy Benches is growing across the country as schools and parent groups promote them as a powerful tool to end loneliness and promote empathy in children.