A Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture in Montreal

A Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture in Montreal
From Librairie Carcajou
A fresh look at contemporary architecture in Montreal, featuring 75 noteworthy buildings and public spaces.
A resource for both locals and tourists alike, A Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture in Montreal presents seventy-five important projects that reflect architecture's resurgence in the city over the last twenty-five years. A two-page spread is dedicated to each project, with concise descriptive text alongside photos, drawings and floor plans. Projects are presented by quartier or neighbourhood so that the visitor can take a selfguided walking tour. The front and back flaps are folding maps to guide the visitor through the highlighted quartiers.
At a time when cultural tourism is burgeoning, this guidebook gives the reader a unique understanding of Montreal. Put it in your pocket, take the metro and go see the city.